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on the Fort McMurray Knights Mini Rugby

WHO: Who can play/join Fort McMurray Mini Rugby? Who do we contact about this organization?
Mini rugby is open to girls and boys ages 4-16 years old. You can email us or at our Facebook @fortmcmurrayminirugby or on Instagram @fmmknights_rfc


WHAT: What is Fort McMurray Mini Rugby all about? What sort of programs/camps do you offer? What is the structure of this sport? If someone is interested in higher-level rugby, what options are out there for them?
Our program is about introducing kids to this great sport of rugby. We offer our mini program for ages 4-9years and is non-contact. Our Jr. program is contact ages 10 and up. We are hoping to get back into the high schools and get the rugby programs back up and running. We are currently looking to collaborate with the Fort McMurray Football team to run a non-contact, alternating flag rugby/flag football sessions. This would be a great introduction to any kids that may be hesitant about contact but would still like to try these sports. Next summer is the Alberta Summer games and we are hoping to have local athletes tryout for the Rugby 7s. Rugby can also be found at the University levels too.
WHEN: When does your season run? When can athletes sign up?
Our winter season starts end of January and runs until March. In April we offer a few ‘Free Try Rugby’ indoor sessions and our summer session officially kicks off in May until July. We may run a few sessions in the Fall just to keep the momentum going.
WHERE: Where does Fort McMurray Mini Rugby play/train? 
Our indoor training happens on the turf at Shell Place and the outdoor sessions happens the Westwood field.
WHY: Why did this club form? Why is having a Mini Rugby program in our community so important?
This program was formed by Joseph Atalifo (a current player, coach and dad) who wanted to get his own kids playing rugby. Rugby is an amazing sport and has so much to offer. Playing rugby is great because its the same game for females and males. You learn respect for yourself, your team, your opponents and the refs and it is held in high regard. Going out on the field and physically put your body on the line for your teammates builds a bond like no other. Its provides great competition and builds character.
august community sport highlight
knights mini rugby photo
knights mini rugby photo
knights mini rugby photo
knights mini rugby photo
knights mini rugby photo

📸 Photos Credits: Knights Mini Rugby Powerpoint 📸