Wood Buffalo Sports Connections First Annual Golf Tournament!

Interview with February's Community Champion of the Month - Julianna Ryan

Julianna is a talented skier who has been skiing since she was 3 years old. She has won countless races including the title of three cow bell first place wins for 3 years in a row at the Jasper Jr. Olympics!

What was your reaction to being named Community Champion of the Month after being nominated by your Uncle Jason?

 “I was very surprised, especially when Steph called me from the radio station. It was a great feeling. All my classmates heard it too”

What led you to begin skiing in the first place?

 “My mom and Dad took me out to Vista Ridge when I was very young. I loved watching the ski team training and watching them all go fast”

What are your future goals and aspirations when it comes to skiing?

“I would love to some day to race in the Alberta Winter Games and eventually in the Arctic Winter Games!” 

What is your strongest trait that has led you to becoming such a successful skier at such a young age?

“I think it’s the love I have for the sport. I love training every weekend with my team at Vista Ridge. I love the speed. I love at race competitions when they count down for me to start a race…. It’s the best feeling in the world flying down a giant slalom course!” 

Do you have an idol/hero you look up to?

 I have two… Lindsey Vonn and Mikela Shiffrin…both are amazing skiers and started competing at very young ages”

Do you participate in any other sports?

“I play ball hockey at school and trampoline at Norfort Gymnastics”