on Volt Hockey

 Who Who are they. Volt Hockey is a sport designed specifically for children with disabilities that is run through the program Variety – The Children's Charity of Alberta. The Vision for this awesome program is “Through community initiatives, partnerships and education, Variety Alberta enables inclusion, wellness and independence for children who are facing physical, developmental, emotional or learning challenges.”.

WhyWhy you should sign up. Playing sports can teach kids so many life lessons and build on their character unlike anything else. Joining Volt Hockey can give these kids a great opportunity to build friendships and give them a great healthy social environment where they can feel comfortable. Volt hockey provides an opportunity for you to step outside of your comfort zone, in a safe place, to learn a new sport and make some great friendships.

WhatWhat is Volt Hockey. Volt Hockey is very similar to Ice Hockey or Ball Hockey. The sport is played in a gymnasium where the kids are driving an electronic chair that is driven using a joystick. This chair can reach up to 16km/hr. and provides the ability to fully turn 360 degrees in a stopped position. The stick is attached to the chair and sticks out the front and a whiffle ball is used rather then a puck. There are also goalies, who protect a wider net then you would be used to typically seeing. The Game can be played 3 on 3 or 4 on 4. 

WhereWhere you can sign up. You can sign up on their website https://varietyalberta.ca/volt/ or email at volt.coordinator.ca. Volt is currently run at MacDonald Island Park.

WhenWhen can I play. Currently Volt Hockey is being played on Sundays with times from 11:15-1:45 and the program is in the middle of an 8 week session. On April 17th, a 10 week session of Volt Hockey will begin. In the mean time, they do offer “drop in” sessions to allow interested kids to have a taste of the action to see if it is a good fit for them. Volt Hockey also has a “try it day” on March 3rd for Occupational Therapists, Special Education Teachers and Physiotherapists. Then, on March 10th, a “community try it day” will be ran for all community members to come try out the sport (though Volt was created to support children/youth/adults with disabilities and upper body limitations, it is an inclusive sport for anyone to come out and play. We encourage people with and without disabilities to play the sport together.”