fortmcmurray catholic school division saints football program


on the FMCSD Saints Football Program

Who – Who can play/join Saints Football Club? Who do we contact about this organization?

Anyone in the RMWB who is currently enrolled at a high school. Email with any questions.



What – What is Saints Football Club all about? Outside of playing in a competitive season, what sort of programs/training do you offer?

We focus on our core covenants of growth, responsibility and excellence. We want our athletes to go outside of their comfort zones and try to accomplish great things. In the offseason, we have regular workouts focusing on speed and strength.

In the future, we will run flag football for elementary school-aged children.



When – When does your season run? When can athletes sign up? When are training your training camps?

Training camp starts on August 16th at TC Field. The first practice is at 4:00 PM. Athletes can register online via our form

Where – Where does Saints Football Club play/train? Where do you compete?

We practice at TC field during the school year, Monday to Thursday, 4:15 to 6:15 PM. We play our home games on SMS Field at Shell Place.


Why – Why did this club form? Why do coaches and athletes like participating in Saints Football? And why should people look at getting into this sport/club in the future?

We formed out of necessity, many of the local schools were unable to field a full team so it was determined that joining the programs together would be in the best interest of growing football. The Saints do more than just play football, our roster if filled with young leaders who have diverse interests and backgrounds. We care about the whole person, and want to help them reach their potential on and off the field.

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