Wood Buffalo Sports Connections First Annual Golf Tournament!

Sport Science Services

Learning about the sport science services that you can access can be a game changer in how you and your athletes perform!
Ali Myers | Seed & Sprout Nutrition

Ali Myers | Seed & Sprout Nutrition

Registered Dietitian

Ali Myers is the co-owner of Seed & Sprout Nutrition and has been practicing as a Registered Dietitian since 2014. Ali attended Georgia Southern University on a swimming scholarship (Div 1) and completed her BSc in Nutrition and a MSc in Kinesiology with an emphasis in sport nutrition.

Ali brings both personal and professional sport nutrition experience to help educate and support developing athletes to optimize their performance. Ali can guide the parents of young athletes on what to provide for their children or support the older youth athletes in making educated choices for themselves. She has worked closely with Fort McMurray Minor Hockey as a development partner, Hockey Super League teams, Fort McMurray Mantas Swim club and the Arctic Winter Games athletes. Ali provides a practical, evidence-based approach when it comes to nutrition.

Website: https://www.seedandsproutrds.com

Email: ali@seedandsproutrds.com

Natalie Doucette

Natalie Doucette

Sport Psychologist

Natalie Doucette is a bilingual Registered Psychologist and Certified Mental Performance Consultant through the Canadian Sports Psychology Association (CSPA). She has experience supporting sport organizations, teams and individual coaches and athletes with various mental health and mental performance topics and issues. Using a client-centered approach, she ensures that her services meet every client’s individual needs. Some examples of performance topics she can support include building confidence, growth mindset, recovery after injury and return to sport, performing under pressure, strategies for performance anxiety, goal setting and team culture, among many others. 

In addition to local involvement with many sports teams and athletes in the Fort McMurray region, Natalie has experience supporting Team Alberta, assisting 12 teams in preparing for and attending the 2023 Canada Winter Games. She is also a practitioner for the Mental Health Network which is a national mental health service offered to high performance athletes through Game Plan. Most recently, she was contracted by the Canadian Sport Institute Calgary as a Mental Health Practitioner supporting a National Sport Organization throughout the 2023-2024 competitive season. She also serves as the Provincial Representative for Alberta with the CSPA and through this role, connects with practitioners from around the province and nationally to promote the profession of mental performance consulting and stay connected with her colleagues in the sport performance field. 


Interested teams/athletes can reach Natalie at ndoucette.psychology@gmail.com or by phone at 780-900-6676.