Wood Buffalo Sports Connections First Annual Golf Tournament!
2022 fall spp logo

 Women Sport Passport Program

As an extension to our Youth Sport Passport program, our Women Sport Passport program offers women (18+) with the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports in a non-competitive environment with other like-minded women. Each session will include a proper warm up and cool down to reduce the chance of injury, informal and formal instruction as well as time to scrimmage! Children keeping you at home? No worries!  At the same time you participate and get active, your children age 3-12 can be active too! At no charge, bring your children and they will get to participate in free play/group activities based on fundamental movement skills delivered by our Sport Leaders. 

The cost is $60 and includes a jersey.


Sessions will run Fridays from 6:00pm-7:00pm starting January 24- March 28 (No sessions January 31, February 21/28 and March 14).


  Our full program registration is full, BUT we have drop in spots available for most sessions! Register for a drop in date below! Sign up for four drop in sessions and you will still be eligible to receive a jersey or e-mail christina@wbsportconnection.com to be placed on the waitlist.

Please note that drop in spots are now only available for WOMEN NOT CHILDREN- we are not able to accept any more children as part of the program as we are at full capacity. 

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Spring Session

We are currently recruiting instructors for our next session which will run Fridays, April 25-June 6 from 6-7pm. Registration will open by end of March!

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